Take care : যত্নশীল হত্তয়া; তত্ত্বাবধান করা;
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take air  take care  takecare  taker  takes care  took care  tow car  See Words Also In
1.Google-Translator 2.Dictionary.com 3.Merriam-Webster 4.Wikipedia 5.Thesaurus.com
Appropriate Prepositions
Add to (বৃদ্ধি করা, যোগ করা): The doll-dance in the exhibition added to our pleasure.
Derive from (উৎসারিত হওয়া): The one has been derived from the poem.
Long for (আশা করা/কামনা করা): He longed for name and fame.
Recover from (সুস্থ হওয়া; পূর্ব অবস্থায় ফিরে আসা): The patient has not yet recovered from his severe illness.
Remedy for (প্রতিকার): There is no remedy for his misbehavior.
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At random (indiscriminately—এলোপাথাড়ি-adv.) He talks at random like a mad man.
At a standstill (নিশ্চল, অচলাবস্থায়-adj.) The discussion is now at a standstill.
At one’s elbow (near at hand — হাতের কাছে – adv.) His private secretary is always at his elbow.
Backstairs influence (secret and illegal influence- গোপন এবং বে আইনী প্রভাব-n) He did not deseve the job, however, he got it by backstairs influence.
Take to one's heels (to run away, পালানো)- They took to their heels when they saw the policeman approaching.